mardi 1 octobre 2013

The first meeting

Specific language goals

First of all, in my internship experience, I want to speak more fluently and learn new vocabulary. I also need to improve the form of my sentences and to place the right word in the right place.

Language learning strategies

To help me in improving my L2, I have to talk to myself. Which means I have to prepare myself mentally by creating dialogues and thinking before saying something. 
After that I'll have to practise, this internship is giving me a great opportunity to learn english and to be better. Even if the people around me speak french, I'll speak english and I'll take guesses so they can correct my mistakes. 
Repeating my mistakes will also help me to say it correctly next time.

The meeting with my host

Yesterday was my first meeting with my host at Children's World Academy. I met the principal David Estok. It was short and sweet, we arranged our schedules and talked about which group I would be in. During the meeting I asked him to repeat a word I didn't understand because he spoke fast and with an accent I didn't understand but the word was quit simple it was " what about physical?". Other than that, I understand most of what he said.


My first word was "cool"! It's my first experience of Internship and I don't really know what to expect from my first day, but I am very excited to begin!
I hope i'm going to be able to practice a lot because the school is an immersion program so there's many french classes. Finally, I'm sure it's going to be an amazing experience.

Thanks for reading! 
And I'll write to you soon!


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